Loara Saxons Alumni Association

Help us support Loara High School! There are many ways to give back to Loara besides joining the Loara Saxon Alumni Association ... you can also volunteer your time, or participate in one of our fundraisers or donation programs. Please see below for the amazing ways to can help give back and pay it forward at the same time.
Become a LSAA Member
One of the best ways to support Loara is to join the Loara Saxons Alumni Association!
Our general fund supports various teams and groups and Annual Programs such as Winter Wishes ... and your membership is tax deductible since we are a 501(c)3 organization. See the information below regarding specific giving to the Tommy Thomason Scholarship Fund, the Time Capsule, and Planned Giving.
Click here to join or renew today!
Non-Specific Monetary Donations
Monetary gifting to our association's general fund qualify for charitable deductions under both the Federal Income Tax and the Federal Estate and Gift Tax laws. We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations, no matter how large or small are needed to help us support Loara. Monetary gifts can be made in the following way:
By check made out to "Loara Saxons Alumni Association"
and mailed to:
Loara Saxons Alumni Association
P.O. Box 9397
Anaheim, CA 92812-9397
* * * OR * * *
Click the gift box on this page to Make a Monetary Donation
Specific Giving
Tommy Thomason Scholarship Fund
Orville Glen "Tommy" Thomason was Loara's first principal, and his educational legacy and influence stretches over his 97-year life span. Tommy was born on December 5, 1907 in Adrian, Missouri, then moved to LaVerne, California in 1918, where he starred in football, basketball, track and baseball at Bonita High School and La Verne College. Tommy began his career as teacher and coach in Baldwin Park, Claremont and at his alma mater, Bonita High School. Tommy's Christian principles called him into work with the YMCA, first in Hollywood and then Anaheim, where he served as General Director for six years. In 1953, Tommy returned to education as an Administrator at Anaheim High School, Fremont and Crescent Junior High Schools. His final position was at Loara High School, where he served as the first Principal from 1962 to 1973, when he retired. He died peacefully in his sleep on Sunday, December 12, 2004.
In September 2017, the LSAA began accepting donations for the Tommy Thomason Scholarship Fund, and we have received numerous contributions. Details with respect to scholarship requirements, validation of information, the scholarship amount, and the Application Form and deadline will be posted in the near future.
You can donate at any time on line by clicking here, or by mailing your check to LSAA, P.O. Box 9397, Anaheim, CA 92812-9397. Thanks in advance for keeping Tommy's Legacy alive!
Annual Donation Programs
LSAA helps Loara Students through two Donation Programs ...
Winter Wishes
Send a Senior to the Prom
These programs vary from year to year.
Planned Giving
Are you interested in giving to LSAA on a regular basis? or possibly including LSAA as an insurance or Will beneficiary? Information about Planned Giving is being discussed. Please email us at Loarasaxonsalumni@gmail.com if you are interested. Thanks!
John Turanitza Memorial Fund
John B. Turanitza was Loara Saxons Alumni Association's first president, and the driving force behind its formation. John and several people from the Class of 1965 brought together a few other Saxons from other years to create the Alumni Association in 2012.
John's time at Loara was inspirational. He was Loara's 2nd male cheerleader, and a school photographer. Many of the old photos from Loara's 1st 3 years can be accredit to John's abilities. He was a character with a love of life and always had a joke for you!
After graduation, John went to Chapman University where he graduated with a BA in History. He enjoyed his semester-at-sea there and developed a love for travel. He married, Christine (Walk) Turanitza (Class of 1965), and had two children, Anna and Michael. They too are graduates of Loara High School, and Anna followed in her father's footsteps by becoming a LSAA board member and its current President.
Once he finished college John became a top selling agent for domestic and international insurance for 35 years. It came to a point where he wanted to try something new and began teaching ESL at night school for the Anaheim Union High School District. He worked at Fairmont Private Schools as an ESL English teacher and then transitioned into their International Activities Coordinator position.
Working with youth and giving back to Loara is something he is proud of. John states, “everyday was great.” As an Officer of the Loara Saxon Alumni Association, he would like to see the students and alumni proud of their Loara roots, and get involved in the school and its activities, not only now but far into the future.
To honor his memory (which will always linger), the LSAA has created a Memorial Fund in his name. You can donate at any time on line by clicking here, or by mailing your check to LSAA, P.O. Box 9397, Anaheim, CA 92812-9397. Thanks in advance for keeping John's alumni dreams alive!
Time Capsule Construction/Burial
The Alumni Association needs your help. We have purchased a Time Capsule and have gathered many historical artifacts to put inside. However, we need help! The estimated construction/burial costs are $3,500.00.
To make your donation to the time capsule or to preserve our history and traditions please click here.
Thank you for your generous gift!!