Loara Saxons Alumni Association

Class of 2014
This page is currently in need of a write up about the Class of 2014! Fellow Class of 2014 alumni not on Facebook will find this page very important in order to keep up with reunion information.
To provide a write up about the Class of 2014, sponsor this page, and activate the comments section please email us at loarasaxonsalumni@gmail.com.
Go Saxons!
Graduation Program

Saxons who Married Saxons
If you know of anyone that should be on the Class of 2014 Saxons who Married Saxons list, please email loarasaxonsalumni@gmail.com.
The list of all Saxons Who Married Saxons can be found by click on About on the main menu then Saxons Who Married Saxons
Fallen Saxons - Class of '14
If you know of anyone that should be on the Class of 2014 Fallen Saxon list, please email loarasaxonsalumni@gmail.com.
The list of all Fallen Saxons can be found by click on About on the main menu then Fallen Saxons.
Updated: 5/21/2020