Loara Saxons Alumni Association
Annual Donation Programs
Winter Wishes Program
Saxons we need your help!
Loara has a "Winter Wishes Program" to help fulfill some wants and needs of our current Saxon students. The Winter Wishes Program asks every student on campus “What one wish would bring you joy?” and “If you can grant one wish to someone else what would it be and why?” Reading the requests from some of the students is heart-breaking. While some wishes are small, some students wish for Disney or Knott’s tickets, enough for a date night with Mom or Grandma, a computer, concert tickets, backpacks, spa days for overworked parents, backpacks, Prom tickets, college scholarships, a donation to St. Jude Hospital, a pizza party for one of their classes, bicycles to get to school, and other similar items. Some have never been able to afford one yearbook in their 4 years at Loara and would like just one of them. Some would like a t-shirt so they can be proud of their school when they are off campus. Some are asking for a hoodie sweatshirt or other clothing because it is getting cold. One asked for a Starbucks card so they could get some breakfast in the morning.
The Winter Wishes program is 100% self-funded. Loara High School fundraises to grant as many wishes as possible, but they are unable to grant them all. With your generous donation of financial assistance you will help them reach their goal. The Loara Saxons Alumni Association has allocated $1000.00 in the past to this program, and we want to continue making each year great for our Saxon Students.
Please visit our online store (click the photo in the box below) to make a monetary donation, or select an item off the list once it is posted each year, and we will forward it on to the school for you.
LSAA will accepts donations on behalf of Winter Wishes each year from approximately
October 1 through December 1
The Winter Wishes Assembly is the first week of December, but get your donations in QUICK!
You can also mail your donation at any time to:
Loara Saxons Alumni Association
P.O. Box 9397
Anaheim, CA 92812
(Remember too ... this is a great way to get a last-minute tax deduction in before the year ends)
What a great way to help a fellow Saxon!
Thank you in advance for all your help!
Dyana Lacy, Association Treasurer
Send a Senior to the Prom
Each May, Loara High School hosts its annual Senior Prom. Unfortunately, the Prom is beyond the monetary means for many students or their families.
The LSAA supports students who cannot attend due to financial issues and who must rely on LSAA member or outside donations. The cost of a ticket is $90.00; transportation and clothing purchases/rentals and corsages/boutaineers can easily triple that price. LSAA helps raise funds to send as many Saxons as possible to Prom. Checks are accepted at any time during the year through the mail: Loara Saxons Alumni Association, Inc., P.O. Box 9397, Anaheim CA, 92812. The donation deadline is typically by the first week of April and we will update each year as we know more.
This a Tax Deductible donation as we are turning all the funds over to Loara.